Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weekly Statement - 11/23/10

Joel Sternfeld - High Line - Photography Now - Here are a couple of links to his work. He has a website but there is nothing on it.


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  2. With the mspace project due Tuesday, I reflected back on all the different categorization and logging of material possessions. Scanning over my excel spread sheet I see many notes of "useless, meaningless, junk", and very few things of significant or high value. This is because I live in a society of consumerist, and I like every other am trapped by the hands of corporate businesses, media advertisements, and the overwhelming sense that materials bring happiness. Like Lasn mentioned in his book Culture Jam, we are still stuck in the third revolution, and have yet to move into the fourth of improvement. Is it possible that myself like many other are doomed, stuck in a world of over consumption, gluttony, and most importantly destruction to the environment and natural resource which we so greatly depend upon. Or maybe with enough knowledge and compassion for our earth, we will all change our living and move into a revolution of improvement and benefit

  3. Teresa Dennis
    November 23rd
    Weekly Response

    The excel sheet that was due a few weeks ago was complete when I turned it in. From that time up until now, I realized I had already amassed a large number of new items. I have grown up thinking that new things will make my life a little better, through the excitement of exploring a new item. I want to have something new to play with and to learn every face of it, every detail put into it. I want to examine the flaws and creation of things, and smaller things appeal to me more. I think because of this, I collect a lot of earrings, small objects that have great movement in them, and they appeal to the eye. I love collecting them and examining the different constructions that lead to their own individual, unique, movement.
    The point of this assignment seems to be to make us realize that we over consume in this culture, but I feel that the way I do feeds my creative spirit. I am able to understand of how different construction types in jewelry work, and I can apply it to my class work in small metals. Now, If I look at my consumption of all the other things I own, I could say that my amount of little desktop knick-knacks is very unnecessary.

  4. Caitlin Murphy
    23 November 2010
    Weekly Statement

    Photographer Joel Sternfeld captures the still desolation of an abandoned land in his photographs. The still land shows despondency and the calmness does not correlate with tranquility but rather with relinquishment. He photographs an obscure calmness and it seems that it exists in a space that lies between two opposing environments. For example, the photos that shows a train track with snow on it and it is grown over with grass and weeds represents the train as a transitive force moving from one threshold to the next. His photos show movement and the destruction and abandonment of nature.

  5. Rebecca Aguilar

    A lot are going on through my head right now. As the class is getting to its end, I can’t help but reflect on everything I learned. The class defiantly made me more aware of what is going on in the world and has made me more aware specifically on the relationship between humans and the environment. Finishing up this project has made me think personally on my relationship with the environment and how I still need to grow in my relationship with it. I noticed that a majority of my stuff comes from the USA and that the stuff from the USA tends to be made with the intention of being recycled. Times have changed in the world. There were point when people didn’t really care about the world and recently through out the last part of a couple decades; the care rate has been fluctuating up and down. Currently, people are more aware and more worried about the environment and we have a huge boom of people trying to come up with ideas. However, as we talked about last week, will this current talk about the environment actually change the world, or will it just fade away till the next environmental movement? In addition to the possible thought of forgetting about the environment, North Korea attacked South Korea as all of us slept and things like this, fighting, is one of the main reasons why some people will ignore the environment. Why? Cause solving problems to prevent war is important. War brings about a lot of destruction to the environment and this event can really alter what is going on in save the environment movement. May God have mercy on us all and guide the world.
