Tuesday, November 23, 2010

World Changing - 11/30/2010

Matt Siber - http://siberart.com/ - from his series The Untitled Project. Interesting work dealing with public advertising. Basically photographs a public space, removes all the signage, and displays them side-by-side.

Weekly Statement - 11/30/2010

James Griffioen - http://www.jamesgriffioen.net/ - This is from his Feral Houses series. He mainly works in and around Detroit. He also has an interesting blog Sweet Juniper.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weekly Statement - 11/23/10

Joel Sternfeld - High Line - Photography Now - Here are a couple of links to his work. He has a website but there is nothing on it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

World Changing, 11/16/10

Robert Polidori - he does not have a personal website, but I have listed some that will provide some visuals. He has several books that are very interesting. Edwynn Houk Gallery - Nicholas Metivier Gallery - Steidl books - the links provided displays work that examines the Chernobyl dead zones.

Weekly Statement, 11/16/10

Mitch Epstein - http://www.mitchepstein.net/ - http://whatisamericanpower.com/ - from his American Power series. This plays of the Amish aspect of the last lecture and how we decide what technology we accept and how it contributes to our community and society.