Thursday, September 30, 2010

World Changing, 10/05/10

Giulio Di Sturco - VII Agency - A photoessay on India's Ganges River. It is predicted that by 2030, the Ganges will have dried up due to global warming, water pollution, and the construction of dams.

Weekly Statement, 10/05/10

A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. One person likened the question, "May I photograph the interior of your fridge?" to asking someone to pose nude for the camera. Each fridge is photographed "as is." Nothing added, nothing taken away.

Mark Menjivar - - make sure to check out his taglines for each photograph, too.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Weekly Statement, 9/28/10

Earthworks - - Earthworks is one of the larger urban farms in Detroit. They supply a soup kitchen nearby run by Capuchin monks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekly Statement - 9/21/10

Brian Ulrich - - This is from a chapter, Dark Stores, that is part of a larger series entitled Copia. In this series, Ulrich is examining various aspects of American consumerism.

World Changing - 9/21/10

Sze Tsung Leong - - From the series Cities. Cities is a series depicting urban fabrics throughout the world. Differences, parallels, and variations between built environments are revealed through consistent composition and viewpoint. Disparate locations are juxtaposed and a new geography is outlined.

Weekly Statement - 9/14/10

Chris Jordan - - this is from his Midway series. It is about albatross chicks that are fed a diet of plastic and refuse by their parents.